Sunday, December 19, 2010

Briggs And Stratton Governor Springs Hookups


Among the major plants used to cure the sickness, so that they produce such diseases as occurring as a result of the movement during trips, to amusement parks in jerky, etc., we have:

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba). Poor circulation in the brain is the cause of many serious and crippling disease. One of the most dangerous are strokes that can cause death or paralysis of body parts. The ginkgo extract improves circulation to the capillaries of the brain, increases resistance and helps to prevent breakage. The administration of 60 to 240 mg daily of this product not only guards against spills but also prevents a range of symptoms associated with poor circulation in the head: dizziness, vertigo, ringing in the ears, speech Poor, poor memory, poor concentration, headache with ringing in the ears, hearing loss, etc.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale). It has been used primarily to remedy motion sickness and may be also useful in the treatment of vertigo, especially for its ability to eliminate the feeling of nausea and prevent vomiting. ( infusion of a teaspoon per cup of dried plant of water. Take one cup a day. It can be eaten fresh if it is cut into very thin pieces).
Manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla). Sickness prevents disorders of the stomach. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried flowers per cup of water. Drink 2 cups per day). Lavender
/ lavender (Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula latifolia). Can prevent or relieve motion sickness caused by nervous causes. (Infusion for 10 minutes a teaspoon of dried flowers per cup of water. Take 1 cup water 1 hour before the trip).
Romero (Rosmarinus officinalis). Like chamomile, used to remedy digestive sickness character (Infusion of a spoonful of dried flowers per cup of water. Take two cups a day).
Passion Flower (Passiflora caeurulea). Sickness prevents alterations of nerves. (Infusion of a couple of tablespoons of dried plant per pint of water. Drink a couple of small cups a day). Nail
: (Eugenia caryophyllata) The nail has been one of the species used in traditional medicine in India for treating vomiting and dizziness, including travel sickness. (A couple of drops of clove oil dissolved in a glass of water, sweetened with honey half hour before eating or before taking a trip). Red vine
(Vitis vinifera L.). Its use will help to improve circulation in the brain, reducing the symptoms caused by abnormalities caused by poor cerebral circulation, such as memory loss, dizziness, vertigo, headaches, etc.. ( decoction of a teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water for 10 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes and take every quarter hour 1 tablespoon).
Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Gastric and sedative properties, is particularly interesting for treating vomiting, dizziness or vertigo that occur as side effects of menopause (Infusion of a handful of strawberry leaves - about 15 gr. - Per liter of water. Take 3 cups a day after meals).

Vitamins and minerals for motion sickness

Among the right supplements to treat motion sickness have:

Vitamins C and A, with antioxidant properties, preventing the negative influence of free radicals and improve circulation. The usual dose is set at 1500 mg daily for vitamin C, in 3 divided doses and 400 IU for vitamin A. Multicomplemento
A daily vitamin B tablet, whose deficiencies often cause dizziness or lightheadedness. (Take one tablet a day).

Dizziness and food
A diet rich in vitamins and minerals from plant foods can help improve circulation, prevent cholesterol and other diseases that can cause dizziness. It is particularly interesting to eat those products which are rich in potassium deficiency is the cause of this anomaly many times.
Foods particularly rich in potassium are lettuce, potatoes or tomatoes . Other plants would be very rich in potassium vegetables like borage the spinach , the asparagus, peas or fruits like peaches, apricots, grapes , the bananas.

ACUPRESSURE: Point reflection to avoid dizziness.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Berger Color Swatches


After working a long time without being able to update, I can not resist taking this new post on a the many things that I have a passion such as the Conservation and Restoration art. The following work represents the figure of St. Thomas Aquinas, held in the seventeenth century, from the Convent of San Leandro in Seville, a work which I have the pleasure to speak under teacher supervision. At first glance it may seem easy, which is not, requires good discipline and dedication, and is continually advancing with new techniques of intervention works of art, it is important for a good academic background, differentiating the conservator-restorer of skilled intrusion loaded with cookbooks, which continually damage the little cultural heritage left to us What witnesses of the past will we leave our future generations? Worth reflection on Every day enjoy it more each day I learn something new, something that comforts and encourages me, knowing well from another point of view the behavior of materials and techniques used in painting throughout history using it as a complement to the artistic activity that I do paralelamente. Espero poder enseñaros nuevas fotos de como va quedando, Estoy abierto a cualquier pregunta que tengais o sea de vuestro interés UN SALUDO!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Ash X Dawn

travel sickness RECIPE HOME

- 1 taza de de flores frescas de la hierba de San Juan.
- Aceite de oliva


- Verter las flores en una botella.
- Agregar el aceite olive oil to coat well.
- Put the mixture in a warm area or in the sun for 15 or 20 days.
- Shake the bottle once or twice a day.
- After this time, when the fluid shows the typical dark red flowers squeeze well and strain the liquid.
- Keep in a clean, dry and dark in a cool place.
- If properly stored, can be used for a year.

How to use?

gauze was applied on the affected part of the body to: cuts, scratches , puncture wounds, scratches , burns, scars or sores on the skin.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Pathophysiology Of Cervical Carcinoma


The birdseed is a genus of cereal grasses. It is a herbaceous plant that is about one meter, has flowers in small spikes inside which the seed is removed, the birdseed. There are about four thousand species of alpiste.La part used in this plant are the seeds, birdseed. Properties

birdseed birdseed benefits are extensive and very effective:
• It is a powerful antioxidant, helps to slow aging.
• Very high in vegetable proteins.
• The canary helps reduce cholesterol.
· Your enzymes help reduce inflammation of internal organs: kidneys, liver and pancreas.
• Your use is recommended in cases of diabetes.
• Prevents arteriosclerosis.
• It is very rich in lipase, an enzyme that helps eliminate fat, so it is highly recommended to combat obesity and cellulite.
· Advised consumption in case of gout, edema and ulcers.
• Very refreshing.
• The canary is a great diuretic.
• Ideal in the fight against hypertension.
· Indicator in disorders of kidney and bladder.
• Good appetizer.
• Has emollient properties.
• The canary adds muscle tone.
Most people know only as food for canary seed birds. Canary seed, for human consumption, is sold in health food stores.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Search Registry Of Deeds Philippines

Conservation of Nature. Protected areas

To preserve some environments, to avoid irreversible disruption of ecosystems and promote sustainable use of natural resources, are defined areas where different policies are implemented to regulate and / or restrict human activities.

What is wilderness? What are the criteria to establish protected areas? What are biosphere reserves? This article find some answers.


Usually, the concept of wilderness reminds us of the natural environment, which would include wilderness areas, areas with minimal human transformations and marginal productive sectors such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, among others. However, many of these seemingly untouched areas are just fragments of what were later, and even not excluded from global processes, such as pollution and climate change. That is, there are now nearly fully untouched environments, and this allows us to question the naturalness and unspoilt wilderness.

Wilderness areas are one of the main objects of the policies of conservation. However, in the context of societal needs and current human activities, the proposals for conservation of these areas should focus on the types of relationships between society and nature rather than any specific component in protecting the natural environment (an endangered species, for example). This is the conservation of wilderness areas should not be deployed using isolated actions and external social processes.

The conclusion seems inevitable. However, conservation policies have not always been handled with this approach. Throughout history, the positions have been different.

"Preserve or conserve?

In the last century, the predominant preservationism between forms of conservation nature. This predominance responded to the interests of certain sectors of society to protect European and American, for their own enjoyment, certain monumental landscapes (Yellowstone National Park, for example) are perceived as free nature of human intervention. Coinciding with this trend, in force until the late 70's and also present in Argentina, created national parks and protected strictly precluding human settlements and activities.

Between 20 and 30, were incorporated scientific ideas to the field of preservation, thanks to the contribution of ecology, which highlighted the importance of maintaining natural processes ecosystems. These ideas allowed in protected areas make no monumental sites, such as coastlines and wetlands.

More recently, conservation policies have focused on the problem of maintaining natural resources to allow the welfare of society, both the present generation as the future. To do this, we have incorporated the concept of "sustainable development" which, unlike the preservationist stance stresses the need to conserve the scenery and at the same time allow a rational use of natural resources.

In this spirit, which involves the active participation of society in the conservation of resources, are designed biosphere reserves of UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) of UNESCO. These are a special type of protected area.

What to keep?

Protected areas are areas where policies are implemented conservation.

The conservation of these areas involves respect ecological processes, preventing human actions prevent or modification, as various ecosystems and species would not survive under current conditions without strict protection. Keep

does not mean avoiding any alteration in the environments and ecosystems. In fact, from the ecological point of view, ecosystems are not free of changes, as they show a more or less regular behavior of disturbance-regeneration. This behavior is usually a regular or recurring cases (pulses of fire, floods, droughts, geological events, etc.). In this context, human modifications do not disrupt the equilibrium situations but are integrated altering the ecosystem disturbance regime.

conservation policies take into account land use (agriculture, tourism, urban, etc.).. Therefore, in many places, protected areas are planned considering the economic activities. In some cases, it promotes the different actors involved agree the actions to be faced in order to conserve natural resources that use. For this, it is desirable to clearly see the benefits from these actions.

Currently, conservation means managing the environment to reach predetermined targets that can be ecological, social, economic, scientific and cultural. The protected area management includes a proposal for actions and use of tools to get the best result in the continued development and natural resources.

What is a protected area?

A protected area is an area of \u200b\u200bnatural features and semi-fall within certain defined limits, which is subject to resource management to achieve objectives. A protected area may belong to the nation or a provincial government agency, but can also be privately owned, and handled in accordance with standards set by state authorities.

priority is usually at least five environmental reasons for the creation of protected areas:

  • The preservation of large ecosystems to ensure that ecological processes continue to provide environmental services. The
  • preservation of biodiversity, which involves the creation of reserves in areas with high species richness or in areas with a high degree of endemism (species that are specific to a particular region) and other unique environments. The
  • protection of charismatic species, ie species with special attractions such as its beauty and, in general, are large and visible. This motivation allows the care of other species sharing the habitat, but, as less attractive, not an aesthetic value and appeal are the subject of conservation policies. Thus, many species are protected under the "umbrella" of the species of interest.
  • The protection of landscapes of high scenic value , regardless of content in terms of biodiversity.
  • compensation The impact of a project . That is, is intended to protect a surface area equal to or greater than the hit of the same type of habitat, with similar environmental quality. This motif serves to offset the loss of sites but do not possess the four attributes listed above meet important ecological functions.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

Any groups must contain at least 51% of a particular flower nectar for honey to be labeled as a specific floral source. The most abundant are: eucalyptus honey

Recommended cough, urinary tract disinfectant and flattering to the expulsion of stones. Heather honey

Considered disinfectant of the urinary tract, diuretic and antirheumatic, much appreciated by the consumer.
millefiori honey or multiflora.
Other kinds of groups common in the market are: Rosemary honey

Indicated as favorable to the functions of the liver, cirrhosis, jaundice, heart attacks, and restoring the stomach and powerful tonic.

thyme honey antiseptic, emmenagogue (ie, enhancing of menstruation), and tonic. Active digestive functions and is recommended in cases of bronchitis. Chestnut honey

strong flavor is not always well accepted, rich in iron.
honey or orange blossom
of fine and exquisite taste, used as a painkiller.
clover and sainfoin honey (or sainfoin)
heart stimulant.
honey pine and fir
against bronchitis.
Onion Blossom honey
antirheumatic. You are advised against respiratory infections.

ACUPRESSURE: Point reflex to expel intestinal parasites.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meltonian Boot Shoe Cream Uk Suppliers


beer properties due to its fermentation and natural ingredients.
most common components of beer are:
· Hops: gives beer its bitter taste also stimulates the appetite, it is refreshing and sedative.
· The Malta, is derived from the malting barley and, once toasted, it provides a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins. Carbon dioxide
· : improves blood circulation and digestion. Yeast
· : are fungi responsible for the fermentation process.
There are many types of beers. We can find them with wheat, buckwheat (cereal millennium with more than 7000 years old and is considered the precursor of the current wheat), fruit, etc. The beer is very rich in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and other minerals. Provides us with vitamins B and A, D and E. Properties
• The beer is rich in antioxidants.
• Your soluble fiber content is very high.
· The maltodextrins make it a great source of energy.
• The beer is rich in folic acid and polyphenols.
• It is low sodium.
benefits of moderate consumption of beer
The daily consumption of beer, in moderation, it allows us to take advantage of its many properties and leave our health benefit.
Among the properties of the beer stand out:
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
· Effects protective against some cancers.
· Al be rich in antioxidants helps slow the aging process.
fiber • Your contribution helps to correct problems with constipation.
· Help in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.
• It is very diuretic. Delays the appearance
· menopause.
Stimulates the appetite.
Reduces the chances of megaloblastic anemia and malformations in the spinal cord.
Helps keep bones healthy.
We must be clear that the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer, has to be very responsible and moderate. This is how we can enjoy all the benefits or properties of beer, so, if alcohol misuse benefits disappear and all we can get are a lot of problems.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pleurodiaphragmatic Tentings Meaning

Properties red yeast rice.
Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu) is a nutritional supplement with medicinal properties. Is obtained from a yeast (Monascus purpureus) grown on rice. It is used to inhibit liver enzymes responsible for cholesterol production.
Its use on an ongoing basis (for a couple of months) can lead to lower between 15 and 25% levels of bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL), triglycerides and increase good cholesterol (HDL ) so it is ideal when combined with anti-cholesterol diets. Similarly prevents cholesterol plaque from sticking to the arteries causing atherosclerosis. It is particularly interesting application in people whose cholesterol levels are above 200 mg .
Dosage: The usual dose is set to about 1200 mg daily divided into two doses, along with meals to avoid affecting the stomach.
Toxicity can appear some symptoms of heartburn, heaviness in the stomach and dizziness. Not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding or if you have liver disease or kidney. Also not be administered together with other drugs used to lower cholesterol (statin) because it neutralizes the coenzyme Q 10, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, is best taken with a charge of this coenzyme every day.


Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Repair Split Snowboard


Aquí os presento una nueva obra, realizada con una técnica mixta, de forma diferente a lo que habitualmente realizo.
Su título es "Inocencia". Como podréis observar, el formato es también irregular, formando una de las tantas piezas de las que se compone la vida.
La obra está inspirada en la niñez, siendo ésta una etapa de la vida muy añorada cuando nos hacemos mayores y nuestra cabeza se empieza a llenar de agobios y problemas. ¡Quién fuera otra vez niño!, back to reality and remembering with vertigo as the years have passed ...
Years in which the only phrase that you think to say was: "What is this, Mom?" -A ball. - Why, Mom? "Because it is round. Later
oranges would you call balls, watermelon ball and leave your family without dessert in the orchard.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bse Post Closing Session Timing


knowledge about medicinal plants, before the birth of writing, were made orally. It is known that the first written text on the use of medicinal plants is about 4000 years old and appears on a clay tablet in the culture of the Sumerians, an ancient people who lived south of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, which would the current Iraq. The Egyptians used the principles of medicinal plants in a systematic and controlled. There are more than 700 formulas in these plants displayed and printed document more interesting is the Ebers Papyrus, the year 1700 BC, but for all security the use of these plants is earlier in Asia, mainly in China where it is assumed that it was used in 5000 BC A good example is the book that collects the Pen Tsao study of more than 300 plants. In India the use of medicinal plants, known as Ayurbeda, has left written references to the year 800 BC, where about 800 species are described. The Ayurbeda, a whole way of life that involves both medicine and religion, philosophy or science in general offers a healthy lifestyle to achieve full health. Medicinal plants constitute an important resource, along with food or exercise. Ayurvedic medicine shares its methods with those of medicine "Official" is the way to deal with diseases of the poorer classes of this country and is spreading to other Western countries as a leading alternative medicine.
The Greeks and Romans collected the tradition of Mesopotamia and Egypt. They use plants to cure diseases and maintain good health. For example the Greek physician Hippocrates (Kos Island in Greece 460-377 BC), considered the father of medicine, gives utmost importance to preventive medicine and, within this, plants play an important role until point is considered the author of this aphorism: "Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food" The first letter of a scientific nature in the classical period is Materia Medica, written by Dioscorides (40-90 AD). It is a work in five volumes. The Greek physician, born in Anazarbus in Cilicia (a country equivalent to what is now Turkey) worked with the Romans as a botanist, which allowed him to travel. During his travels study the properties of over 1000 plants and many chemical principles and their work served as a reference to the fifteenth century. There have been over it many revisions and translations. The most important revision in Castilian is medicinal plants, pharmaceutical renewed Dioscorides Dr. Pio Font Quer Lleida. It reviewed 682 species, citing the views of Dioscorides, and above all the reviews that this doctor had done Pietro Andrea Mattioli and Andres de Laguna.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Business Object Xi Reportauto Refresh


modern medicine due to the opportunity to learn traditional plants whose principles were isolated and probably would not have come to investigate but had been known previously. Among the most popular we can mention the case of aspirin. The bark of white willow (Salix alba) and was used in China over 2500 years ago to reduce fever and relieve pain. References about this plant appear in the work of Hippocrates recommended it for the same disorders. Dioscorides added a new use and advise on the treatment of pain of arthritis. The use of this remedy leaves no traces in the Middle Ages. In 1763 Edward Stone, an English clergyman wrote to the Royal Society on the importance of this plant in pain relief. In 1835 the German chemist Karl Jakob Lowig discovered that one plant produced the same results, meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) contained the same principle as the sauce: salicylic acid. It was not until 1893 that Felix Hoffman synthesized the derivative of this principle to try to alleviate the side effects produced salicylic acid in the stomach of his father that he took to relieve her arthritis. Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of salicylic acid is the most common analgesic used and best selling to date. It was the traditional knowledge of the properties of willow which led to further scientific research that led to the production of aspirin.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thick Leg Brazilian Gril

The mead is probably the first alcoholic beverage consumed by man is above the wine can be a precursor of the cerveza.Es a fermented drink made from honey and water and its use was widespread among the peoples of antiquity.
The Greeks gave the melikraton name and the Romans called mulsum water. He is popularly known as the drink of dioses.No was only known by the Greeks and Romans, people as diverse as the Mayans, Celts, Saxons and Vikings prepared and consumed this drink, with some variations in their manufacture.
The mead has energéticas.También has revitalizing properties and enzymatic properties conferred by the fermentation and is nutritious because of the honey.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Primium My Tibia

Education Sciences Micros

Education Sciences

The teachers and students of the Faculty of Biology, have been invited to participate in an FM radio space in the South 93. 9, in which they perform a series of educational micros Sciences.

Radial Micro is every Friday at noon. Being the subject of the first meetings as follows:

Friday, 02 August: Prof. Carla Doldán, was speaking on Environment and Sustainable Development

Friday 13 August: The students of 4th year Paulina Martinez and Jorge Diaz will be speaking on Environmental Education

Friday, August 20: Professor Ines Aparicio will discuss the role of Women in Science.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Toilet Flushing Mechanism

Another way of looking

Here I present another work to see art differently ¨ anamorphosis "reversible deformation of an image produced by an optical procedure (such as using a curved mirror), or through a mathematical procedure. It a perspective effect used art to force the viewer to a certain predetermined point of view or privileged, from which the element takes on a form provided and clear. Anamorphosis was a method described in Piero della Francesca studies on perspective.

The work is done on wood using acrylic as a painting technique

As you can see the correct image can be seen perfectly in the cylinder chrome

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tallest Rollercoaster In Texas


The child expresses his sorrow in a way very different from what an adult does, and even in a dramatically opposite.
The crying and screaming
The crying, shouting and agitation are common but not always signs of pain. It is the manifestation of distress, that something is wrong. Even if a child cry and scream loudly, it does not necessarily mean you are feeling great pain. It is paradoxical, but when the pain is prolonged or intense, crying and screaming do not usually last long.
behavior amending
The child who experiences pain behavior changes. Child avoids relying on one of its members or used any body part to play. Protects the painful area as telling adults not to transgress this barrier. These signs are also useful for diagnosis. (For example, placing a pillow on her belly).
Silence severe pain
face severe pain or prolonged pain (more than two days), the child leaves to mourn and agitated, and loses all interest in others and the game. His body remains stationary and the child seems as if paralyzed, doctors speak of a psychomotor sluggishness. The child with pain adopting this type of behavior for a few hours or several days. For him, this is the only way to deal with the pain. Remaining motionless aims separate from his body, get rid of suffering. All this can potentially cause the same complications of true paralysis (such as the appearance of scars).
After all, basically what characterizes a prolonged pain in a child is that it stops complaining and no longer tries to express themselves through any medium.

acupressure reflex points: as soothing a sore hip

Friday, July 23, 2010

Inguinal Hernia Bloated Stomach


I hope your assistance to my new exhibition of paintings! Take place in the south of Chipiona Hotel (Avenida de Sevilla, 101) from 23 July to 4 August.

The room remain open all day.
are all invited. Thanks.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Is Natural Oestrogen


The grape is one of the major detoxifying foods, suitable for cure by taking only this fruit. It is important to do this away when the fruit is at its greatest abundance, ie in late summer and mid autumn.
This diet can be made exclusively from grapes in an amount which can range from 2 to 3 kilos a day or combine it with other vegetables or fruits and vegetables. We can choose to have this fruit is the exclusive food for dinner, at breakfast or both at once. Practicing this diet it is cleanse the body. Should therefore make this scheme to those who need a good cleanser, patients suffering from rheumatic diseases : People with gout or arthritis, people with kidney problems who need help to remove toxins or those with problems in the circulatory system : hypertension, arteriosclerosis , poor circulation in general will benefit from it.
The reason for this can be attributed mainly to its rich potassium - especially raisins - which controls fluid balance in the body and its low levels of sodium - in fresh grapes. Equally the presence of vitamin B , intervening in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates impact in this regard.
Consider the grape an alkalizing, so that purifies the blood. All these virtues have to think consumption may inhibit the growth of cancer cells, so there have been numerous studies to check which way the presence of tannins and caffeic acid, in addition to being great bactericides, could reduce the chances of acquiring this disease. The grape seed extract prevents the development of cancers , like breast, prostate or colon. The main component responsible for this property is a flavonoid that appears on the skin of red grapes or red wine and is known by the name of resveratrol .
On the other hand, if we eat the whole grape, without discarding the skin, this helps clean the intestines, increasing the fecal matter and preventing constipation . Similarly, the raisins have laxative properties.
It is rich in sugars and carbohydrates is a natural energy source for those requiring extra effort as athletes, students, children in times of growth or people with low blood sugar. This aspect is reinforced when we eat this fruit in the form of raisins, in which case the carbohydrate content and calories when we do it three times to cool.
To evaluate the importance of fermented grapes or wine in the treatment of cholesterol . The presence in the beverage alcohol and phenols contribute to reducing cholesterol, improve movement and prevent myocardial infarction . A moderate intake of wine can promote circulation, but even the consumption of unpeeled red grape can provide the same property without the need for alcohol, which prolonged and heavy use is harmful to health. Anti-diarrhea
useful cooking vine leaves in water to 5% for a quarter of an hour. Taking a couple of glasses a day. The leaves and dry seeds in powder form were used for diarrhea in cattle.

acupressure reflex points: how to relieve painful rules

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Can You Still Kiss With Throat Cancer

canned fruit and vegetable land construction

We preserved fresh food using organic or biological products. We have a wide variety of vegetables harvested daily, eat in or carry out assiduously preserved. The flavors, colors, textures and aromas of these foods make the quality of the products that we specify in Taique. Overseeing the process of production and manufacturing also marks the product quality. Preserving food
dehydration or drying, keeping the "camera", freezers and also develop preserved. Our premise is to produce quality, for which production counterseason avoided by amendment or fertilizer and / or frost protection systems that have to have a low organoleptic quality product and therefore nutrition. We have greenhouses to grow those vegetables susceptible to frost but only in the growing season in Patagonia and depending on the year will not exceed 6 months.
We do not use any heating, because we believe that energy expenditure is large and the product quality is not optimal. We as drying
solar dryer , clay ovens, racks with sieves. All these devices operate with a clean source like the sun or a renewable source such as firewood. In all cases there is no contamination products of combustion and physical agents, biological or chemical that could impair its quality. We dried herbs, apples, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms and other foods.
Drying tomatoes is our specialty and we consider a gourmet product of high nutritional value and unique taste we developed following a careful process. The flavor of the sugar itself and with reddish stains that keeps oil are excellent features of this product.

Other appropriate technology is the underground storage of fruits and vegetables, real "cameras" that keep temperatures and humidity to ensure that the food does not lose water or become dehydrated, keep breathing levels to a minimum and bring an end to their own maturation. By this method we keep potatoes, beets, carrots, apples and other possibilities. The Chenque as it is known in this area is a very efficient way of preserving food without higher energy costs, only choosing a nice shady and cool. We use mass of 1 m wide and a depth between 50 and 100cm which depends on the product to be preserved. The length of it depends on the amount we hold.
tubers and roots are harvested in April and December can reach under optimal conditions. Development can only start growing when temperatures are not as low, so we must be attentive to these moments. That's when chemical and physical transformation of the food quality deteriorates.

apples harvested in April after the first frosts take the Chenque soft, cover with plastic and recapped. We selected these fruits for variety, with some varieties like the golden consumed within 4 months of storage. Others like Idared consumed more than 6 months of harvest. In all cases we must separate those codling moth attacks fruit, as the respiratory activity is higher and rapidly deteriorates state and other fruits contiguous storage. We noticed a higher turgor
, ie they are more crisp than those fruits that are summering on dry grass or in boxes with newspaper. These are also solutions avoid low temperatures, but water loss from the fruit is larger, so for those familiar with a rich and crunchy apple can be a drawback.
chopped apples with those we get the damaged parts and tailor high quality dried apricots. The slices of no more than 1cm thick is placed in brine to prevent oxidation of tissues and then drained are put in screens in hot and dry, usually on wood stoves. Another use of the apple is making pickles or chutney pures as we bring to the freezer. During the harvest we use the plaster floor as reception of fruit that otherwise would have to collect in lined baskets for the harvest. The grass to avoid contact with the ground and is a cushion that absorbs shock between fruit and soil. On the other hand is very easy to make the selection of them in situ.
elaborate tomato chutney, apples, onion, currants and other fruits. Tomatoes can be used green or ripe fruit but we prefer to reach their optimum ripeness and red sauces get a good taste, soft texture, with all components of the same mixeados so as to achieve a homogeneous product. We
cucumber pickles, cherry tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, peppers using fresh-picked produce. Add vinegar, water, salt and sugar to achieve acid as a product but whose retention time is not diminished. We also fermented pickles whose acceptance for the Argentine palate is not high so that we retain the first recipe of soft mixed pickles or a species such as cucumbers.

The hot peppers ripen. A cucumber in the photo above to the right and came the autumn, after harvest season nearly three months. We collected daily or two days cucumbers not exceed 3cm in diameter, taking care not to leave unharvested for more than two days due to the rapid growth of the fruits in greenhouse conditions.