Sunday, July 18, 2010

What Is Natural Oestrogen


The grape is one of the major detoxifying foods, suitable for cure by taking only this fruit. It is important to do this away when the fruit is at its greatest abundance, ie in late summer and mid autumn.
This diet can be made exclusively from grapes in an amount which can range from 2 to 3 kilos a day or combine it with other vegetables or fruits and vegetables. We can choose to have this fruit is the exclusive food for dinner, at breakfast or both at once. Practicing this diet it is cleanse the body. Should therefore make this scheme to those who need a good cleanser, patients suffering from rheumatic diseases : People with gout or arthritis, people with kidney problems who need help to remove toxins or those with problems in the circulatory system : hypertension, arteriosclerosis , poor circulation in general will benefit from it.
The reason for this can be attributed mainly to its rich potassium - especially raisins - which controls fluid balance in the body and its low levels of sodium - in fresh grapes. Equally the presence of vitamin B , intervening in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates impact in this regard.
Consider the grape an alkalizing, so that purifies the blood. All these virtues have to think consumption may inhibit the growth of cancer cells, so there have been numerous studies to check which way the presence of tannins and caffeic acid, in addition to being great bactericides, could reduce the chances of acquiring this disease. The grape seed extract prevents the development of cancers , like breast, prostate or colon. The main component responsible for this property is a flavonoid that appears on the skin of red grapes or red wine and is known by the name of resveratrol .
On the other hand, if we eat the whole grape, without discarding the skin, this helps clean the intestines, increasing the fecal matter and preventing constipation . Similarly, the raisins have laxative properties.
It is rich in sugars and carbohydrates is a natural energy source for those requiring extra effort as athletes, students, children in times of growth or people with low blood sugar. This aspect is reinforced when we eat this fruit in the form of raisins, in which case the carbohydrate content and calories when we do it three times to cool.
To evaluate the importance of fermented grapes or wine in the treatment of cholesterol . The presence in the beverage alcohol and phenols contribute to reducing cholesterol, improve movement and prevent myocardial infarction . A moderate intake of wine can promote circulation, but even the consumption of unpeeled red grape can provide the same property without the need for alcohol, which prolonged and heavy use is harmful to health. Anti-diarrhea
useful cooking vine leaves in water to 5% for a quarter of an hour. Taking a couple of glasses a day. The leaves and dry seeds in powder form were used for diarrhea in cattle.

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