Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tallest Rollercoaster In Texas


The child expresses his sorrow in a way very different from what an adult does, and even in a dramatically opposite.
The crying and screaming
The crying, shouting and agitation are common but not always signs of pain. It is the manifestation of distress, that something is wrong. Even if a child cry and scream loudly, it does not necessarily mean you are feeling great pain. It is paradoxical, but when the pain is prolonged or intense, crying and screaming do not usually last long.
behavior amending
The child who experiences pain behavior changes. Child avoids relying on one of its members or used any body part to play. Protects the painful area as telling adults not to transgress this barrier. These signs are also useful for diagnosis. (For example, placing a pillow on her belly).
Silence severe pain
face severe pain or prolonged pain (more than two days), the child leaves to mourn and agitated, and loses all interest in others and the game. His body remains stationary and the child seems as if paralyzed, doctors speak of a psychomotor sluggishness. The child with pain adopting this type of behavior for a few hours or several days. For him, this is the only way to deal with the pain. Remaining motionless aims separate from his body, get rid of suffering. All this can potentially cause the same complications of true paralysis (such as the appearance of scars).
After all, basically what characterizes a prolonged pain in a child is that it stops complaining and no longer tries to express themselves through any medium.

acupressure reflex points: as soothing a sore hip


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