Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

Any groups must contain at least 51% of a particular flower nectar for honey to be labeled as a specific floral source. The most abundant are: eucalyptus honey

Recommended cough, urinary tract disinfectant and flattering to the expulsion of stones. Heather honey

Considered disinfectant of the urinary tract, diuretic and antirheumatic, much appreciated by the consumer.
millefiori honey or multiflora.
Other kinds of groups common in the market are: Rosemary honey

Indicated as favorable to the functions of the liver, cirrhosis, jaundice, heart attacks, and restoring the stomach and powerful tonic.

thyme honey antiseptic, emmenagogue (ie, enhancing of menstruation), and tonic. Active digestive functions and is recommended in cases of bronchitis. Chestnut honey

strong flavor is not always well accepted, rich in iron.
honey or orange blossom
of fine and exquisite taste, used as a painkiller.
clover and sainfoin honey (or sainfoin)
heart stimulant.
honey pine and fir
against bronchitis.
Onion Blossom honey
antirheumatic. You are advised against respiratory infections.

ACUPRESSURE: Point reflex to expel intestinal parasites.


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