Jaime Lopez in Saltillo
wit and charisma ruined by a bad equalization. On Saturday, March 7 presented the composer and singer Jaime Lopez in the city of Saltillo in the City Theater on the grounds of Rockoahuila Fest 2009. Music presented reading and the interview allowed us to know more closely the ideas of the author of Chilanga Banda and The roadside and other large letters. The concert began about 20:30 hrs as promised, after 40 minutes of waiting in which they hear through the speakers the music getting stronger. Third call and songwriter with his band came out to sing Hotel Garage. I could not decipher what he sang, his lyrics did not recognize because he felt the drum and bass moving my intestines and stomach in unison that burst my ears. Why the DJs always listen to your headphones in the booth and think that sounds good? Do not understand that it is not hear it with headphones while in the fourth row, also listen to the artists as well does not mean that the audience do or vice versa, since the monitors are different. I'm really disappointed that lack of professionalism with a legend of rock movement.
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