The ancient association of beans and machines gave a result at least picturesque. Because there was a development of Capistrano (beans or pods) of beans too much capital and within only 2 to 3 seeds. There was a great performance, but if an acceptable development plan.
In the case of the quinoa variety Cholila development of plants have a higher than expected. Were planted every 5cm on the line, but germination was uneven. In October, the irrigation system still was not installed. Plants in some cases exceeded 2m and have a highly charged main panicle. They have a deep purple color during anthesis and anther yellow peek from flowers. Is visited by the honeybee (Apis mellifera). They have suffered the brunt of strong winds, although the plot is more protected from the same. There were twists and attack some plants hare others recovered but with a smaller panicle size. In the fruiting period panicle loses color and becomes more intense pale. In 1 month we will have production data.
Potatoes are a very good and healthy development. It took some round red potatoes are called by the name of Chile. We surrender values \u200b\u200bin the next month, when the adjournment of the harvest, sort and store in a Chenque.
Corn is an early variety and was grown Alaska en forma directa y algunos trasplantados desde envases de 1/2 kg que crecieron en invernáculo. A pesar de la fertilización oportuna en el trasplante para un desarrollo vegetativo óptimo hubo poca resistencia a heladas. Se cosecharon choclos , algunos con problemas de llenado de granos o choclo desparejo por problemas en la fertilización. No hubo un bloque contínuo de maíces y las líneas pierden el polen hacia otras zonas por deriva del viento.
La parcela 9 tuvo el siguiente manejo:
-las 3 variedades de papas: araucanas, spunta y chilenas tuvieron una fertilización de base de compost de abono de oveja. Las habas, quinoas y maíces no tuvieron fertilización de base o de preparaciòn del terreno, pero sí slurry was applied in the last two. Nettle manure was applied diluted slurry to 10% and 10% comfrey in water for the transplant and two weeks later.
-Irrigation was with two drip lines interspersed between the three lines of plants during the first two months (November and December). Then he used three lines divided into two series microsprinklers to optimize the distribution of water.
-Weeding twice with unicycle between rows and rows manually. In Two hilling potatoes, the last in mid-February, when the plant was not yet in a state of senescence leaves.

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