Chiropractic or chiropractic terms derived from two Greek words meaning "manually effective", is described as "the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system." Through a series of special tests and manipulative techniques, chiropractors can diagnose and treat many disorders related to nerves, muscles, bones and joints of the body. The spine is the main focus of interest of chiropractors, so many people believe that this therapy is effective only for treating back pain. In fact, an experienced therapist can treat any structural problem, from headaches to ankle problems.
In 1895, Daniel David Palmer, founder of chiropractic, he tried to hearing the caretaker of his office through realignment of some small bones of the spine. Fascinated by this discovery, Palmer moved from his native Canada, Davenport (USA), where he established the principles of chiropractic . Special attention was paid to the spine and found that an integral part of the fundamental aspects of the human body surrounds and protects the spinal cord, which is one of the key elements of the nervous system, supports a large number of muscles and is consists of a series of bones together and, therefore, includes as many joints.
Palmer believed that any injury, illness or structural change in the spine can affect the health of the rest of the body and, through manipulation, chiropractors can not only improve structural problems such as sciatica or consequences trauma, but also help improve conditions such as asthma, causing tension in the muscles of the chest.
continued development of the use of spinal adjustment to treat disease, discovering that, by careful positioning of the bones appeared misaligned, could improve many of the symptoms of their patients without drugs or surgery.
Daniel Palmer founded the first chiropractic school in Davenport in 1895. That same year, WC Roentgen invented the X-ray machine, which they used chiropractors for their therapy. In 1907, Bartlet Joshua Palmer took over the budding clientele of his father. His name is associated in the United States primarily to chiropractors who use this therapy only.
What can chiropractic treat
Chiropractic treatment can be used in many diseases, but is particularly useful in:
· Low back pain (including that which occurs during pregnancy).
· Widespread pain resulting from pressure or injury of the musculoskeletal system.
· Sciatica.
· Muscle pain in the neck, shoulder or upper arm.
· cramps and pain resulting from sports activity.
· Muscle tension and joint dislocations.
· headaches.
· stiffness and other forms of restraint in arms and legs.
· Asthma and other internal disorders in certain circumstances.
A chiropractor should not treat the following ailments:
· Any disorder resulting from weakness or disease of the bones (osteoporosis, arthritis other diseases such as rheumatoid bone cancer, which alter the bone).
· ailments resulting from intense pressure on the spinal cord (eg, fractures, tumors or lesions).
· ailments resulting from a serious disorder of blood circulation).
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