- anticholesterol: Fiber soluble helps lower cholesterol in the blood. This type of fiber prevents the intestinal absorption of cholesterol produced by the bile for the digestion of food. Soluble fiber forms a gel that traps that cholesterol is expelled to the outside without passing into the bloodstream. The liver needs cholesterol to form fatty acids, you need to take blood leading to a decrease. The reduction in cholesterol level is a reduction in the risk of strokes. It has been shown that eating foods rich in soluble fiber lowers cholesterol levels by up to 10%. Among the main foods rich in soluble fiber have the beans and oats. Most natural plant foods are rich in soluble fiber. Natural food plant is a good way to control cholesterol levels.
- Antiestreñimiento: Constipation is caused by retention of stool in the intestine. Consumption of insoluble fiber helps to increase stool resulting in increased peristalsis (bowel movements) to expel the stool outside. Moreover, without the presence of soluble fiber, stool consistency are often too hard making it difficult to expel. The intake of foods rich in soluble fiber help soften stool and facilitate their elimination through defecation. Eating foods rich in both types of fiber is the most positive way to prevent constipation.
has been shown that people not only constipation, but other patients with more serious diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease can benefit from eating foods rich in fiber.
- Antidescomposición: In regular peristalsis (peristalsis, or bowel movements), fiber helps to prevent the occurrence of intestinal decompositions produced by the action of pathogenic bacteria on the stool. When these residues are kept too long in the gut is more likely that bacteria not beneficial to develop more quantity that produces intestinal putrefaction and leads to abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, etc. Moreover, the fiber helps the body's beneficial bacteria to multiply and help neutralize harmful bacteria.
- Anticancer: intake of foods rich in fiber, helps, as we have seen, the removal of fecal waste in the intestine. However, through food, in addition to dietary principles, our body also eat a lot of toxins from the entire process of production and food preservation. Eliminate, as quickly as possible, all these toxins before they are reabsorbed by the body and accumulated in the gut is a good way to prevent the emergence of many diseases.
Studies have shown that people who perform a high-fiber diet are less likely to get colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer.
- Antidiabetic agents: consumption of foods rich in fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels in the blood, so the fiber is suitable for feeding of patients with diabetes. Fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates thus helping to reduce the typical "highs" of sugar in the blood that people with diabetes.
U.S. Studies have shown that daily consumption of 25 gr. soluble fiber and 25 grams. more insoluble fiber helps regulate sugar levels positively in a group of diabetic patients. The American Diabetes Association (ADA = American Diabetes Association) recommended lower figures to achieve the same purpose (26 gr. Day of insoluble fiber and soluble fiber 8.)
- Antihemorroides: Hemorrhoids usually originate by increased pressure on the veins of the rectum. When the bowel is difficult, the pressure on the blood vessels of the rectum can cause hemorrhoids. A diet rich in fiber help to soften stools and make their removal be done with less effort it will be a good way to prevent hemorrhoids. People who already have this problem can benefit from eating foods rich in fiber. A softer stool allowed the removal of those without pain or blood occurs.
recommend a minimum daily intake of about 20 gr. fiber, although many doctors recommend that this should be about 30 gr. Consumption of high doses of fiber, especially fiber intake not only soluble in large quantities, such as bran fiber, may be responsible for some health problems. It recommended vegetable consumption of different foods, all rich in soluble and insoluble fibers for a balanced diet. This will not display the following medical conditions:
- Bowel problems: intake of too much fiber, especially insoluble, may be responsible for the appearance of intestinal problems such as abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, general malaise . It is important for people not accustomed to eating plenty of fiber to get used from smaller initial doses that are gradually increasing.
- problems of poor absorption of minerals: intake of a diet high in fiber reduces the absorption of some minerals like calcium and iron. People who need these minerals with special attention should be noted that the consumption of quantities beyond the recommended diet could be a deficiency of these minerals. Among the food they produce is poor absorption include the bran and rice, both very rich in phytic acid.
- Water consumption: A diet rich in fiber consumes a large amount of water in the body. Although natural foods also contain fiber, lots of water, you need to drink plenty when you make a diet rich in fiber to keep your body may have a problem of dehydration. Ideally drink a couple of liters a day. This is particularly necessary when making a diet with high fiber intake of bran.