beer properties due to its fermentation and natural ingredients.
most common components of beer are:
· Hops: gives beer its bitter taste also stimulates the appetite, it is refreshing and sedative.
· The Malta, is derived from the malting barley and, once toasted, it provides a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins. Carbon dioxide
· : improves blood circulation and digestion. Yeast
· : are fungi responsible for the fermentation process.
There are many types of beers. We can find them with wheat, buckwheat (cereal millennium with more than 7000 years old and is considered the precursor of the current wheat), fruit, etc. The beer is very rich in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and other minerals. Provides us with vitamins B and A, D and E. Properties
• The beer is rich in antioxidants.
• Your soluble fiber content is very high.
· The maltodextrins make it a great source of energy.
• The beer is rich in folic acid and polyphenols.
• It is low sodium.
benefits of moderate consumption of beer
The daily consumption of beer, in moderation, it allows us to take advantage of its many properties and leave our health benefit.
Among the properties of the beer stand out:
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
· Effects protective against some cancers.
· Al be rich in antioxidants helps slow the aging process.
fiber • Your contribution helps to correct problems with constipation.
· Help in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.
• It is very diuretic. Delays the appearance
· menopause.
Stimulates the appetite.
Reduces the chances of megaloblastic anemia and malformations in the spinal cord.
Helps keep bones healthy.
We must be clear that the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer, has to be very responsible and moderate. This is how we can enjoy all the benefits or properties of beer, so, if alcohol misuse benefits disappear and all we can get are a lot of problems.
Source: http://www.enbuenasmanos.com