Sunday, October 24, 2010

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beer properties due to its fermentation and natural ingredients.
most common components of beer are:
· Hops: gives beer its bitter taste also stimulates the appetite, it is refreshing and sedative.
· The Malta, is derived from the malting barley and, once toasted, it provides a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins. Carbon dioxide
· : improves blood circulation and digestion. Yeast
· : are fungi responsible for the fermentation process.
There are many types of beers. We can find them with wheat, buckwheat (cereal millennium with more than 7000 years old and is considered the precursor of the current wheat), fruit, etc. The beer is very rich in magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and other minerals. Provides us with vitamins B and A, D and E. Properties
• The beer is rich in antioxidants.
• Your soluble fiber content is very high.
· The maltodextrins make it a great source of energy.
• The beer is rich in folic acid and polyphenols.
• It is low sodium.
benefits of moderate consumption of beer
The daily consumption of beer, in moderation, it allows us to take advantage of its many properties and leave our health benefit.
Among the properties of the beer stand out:
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
· Effects protective against some cancers.
· Al be rich in antioxidants helps slow the aging process.
fiber • Your contribution helps to correct problems with constipation.
· Help in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients.
• It is very diuretic. Delays the appearance
· menopause.
Stimulates the appetite.
Reduces the chances of megaloblastic anemia and malformations in the spinal cord.
Helps keep bones healthy.
We must be clear that the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer, has to be very responsible and moderate. This is how we can enjoy all the benefits or properties of beer, so, if alcohol misuse benefits disappear and all we can get are a lot of problems.



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pleurodiaphragmatic Tentings Meaning

Properties red yeast rice.
Red Yeast Rice (Hong Qu) is a nutritional supplement with medicinal properties. Is obtained from a yeast (Monascus purpureus) grown on rice. It is used to inhibit liver enzymes responsible for cholesterol production.
Its use on an ongoing basis (for a couple of months) can lead to lower between 15 and 25% levels of bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL), triglycerides and increase good cholesterol (HDL ) so it is ideal when combined with anti-cholesterol diets. Similarly prevents cholesterol plaque from sticking to the arteries causing atherosclerosis. It is particularly interesting application in people whose cholesterol levels are above 200 mg .
Dosage: The usual dose is set to about 1200 mg daily divided into two doses, along with meals to avoid affecting the stomach.
Toxicity can appear some symptoms of heartburn, heaviness in the stomach and dizziness. Not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding or if you have liver disease or kidney. Also not be administered together with other drugs used to lower cholesterol (statin) because it neutralizes the coenzyme Q 10, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, is best taken with a charge of this coenzyme every day.


Friday, October 8, 2010

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Aquí os presento una nueva obra, realizada con una técnica mixta, de forma diferente a lo que habitualmente realizo.
Su título es "Inocencia". Como podréis observar, el formato es también irregular, formando una de las tantas piezas de las que se compone la vida.
La obra está inspirada en la niñez, siendo ésta una etapa de la vida muy añorada cuando nos hacemos mayores y nuestra cabeza se empieza a llenar de agobios y problemas. ¡Quién fuera otra vez niño!, back to reality and remembering with vertigo as the years have passed ...
Years in which the only phrase that you think to say was: "What is this, Mom?" -A ball. - Why, Mom? "Because it is round. Later
oranges would you call balls, watermelon ball and leave your family without dessert in the orchard.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

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knowledge about medicinal plants, before the birth of writing, were made orally. It is known that the first written text on the use of medicinal plants is about 4000 years old and appears on a clay tablet in the culture of the Sumerians, an ancient people who lived south of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, which would the current Iraq. The Egyptians used the principles of medicinal plants in a systematic and controlled. There are more than 700 formulas in these plants displayed and printed document more interesting is the Ebers Papyrus, the year 1700 BC, but for all security the use of these plants is earlier in Asia, mainly in China where it is assumed that it was used in 5000 BC A good example is the book that collects the Pen Tsao study of more than 300 plants. In India the use of medicinal plants, known as Ayurbeda, has left written references to the year 800 BC, where about 800 species are described. The Ayurbeda, a whole way of life that involves both medicine and religion, philosophy or science in general offers a healthy lifestyle to achieve full health. Medicinal plants constitute an important resource, along with food or exercise. Ayurvedic medicine shares its methods with those of medicine "Official" is the way to deal with diseases of the poorer classes of this country and is spreading to other Western countries as a leading alternative medicine.
The Greeks and Romans collected the tradition of Mesopotamia and Egypt. They use plants to cure diseases and maintain good health. For example the Greek physician Hippocrates (Kos Island in Greece 460-377 BC), considered the father of medicine, gives utmost importance to preventive medicine and, within this, plants play an important role until point is considered the author of this aphorism: "Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food" The first letter of a scientific nature in the classical period is Materia Medica, written by Dioscorides (40-90 AD). It is a work in five volumes. The Greek physician, born in Anazarbus in Cilicia (a country equivalent to what is now Turkey) worked with the Romans as a botanist, which allowed him to travel. During his travels study the properties of over 1000 plants and many chemical principles and their work served as a reference to the fifteenth century. There have been over it many revisions and translations. The most important revision in Castilian is medicinal plants, pharmaceutical renewed Dioscorides Dr. Pio Font Quer Lleida. It reviewed 682 species, citing the views of Dioscorides, and above all the reviews that this doctor had done Pietro Andrea Mattioli and Andres de Laguna.