modern medicine due to the opportunity to learn traditional plants whose principles were isolated and probably would not have come to investigate but had been known previously. Among the most popular we can mention the case of aspirin. The bark of white willow (Salix alba) and was used in China over 2500 years ago to reduce fever and relieve pain. References about this plant appear in the work of Hippocrates recommended it for the same disorders. Dioscorides added a new use and advise on the treatment of pain of arthritis. The use of this remedy leaves no traces in the Middle Ages. In 1763 Edward Stone, an English clergyman wrote to the Royal Society on the importance of this plant in pain relief. In 1835 the German chemist Karl Jakob Lowig discovered that one plant produced the same results, meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria) contained the same principle as the sauce: salicylic acid. It was not until 1893 that Felix Hoffman synthesized the derivative of this principle to try to alleviate the side effects produced salicylic acid in the stomach of his father that he took to relieve her arthritis. Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of salicylic acid is the most common analgesic used and best selling to date. It was the traditional knowledge of the properties of willow which led to further scientific research that led to the production of aspirin.