Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What Is A The Ecchiest Manga?



By Luis Fernando Arevalo Viveros

"There are substantial cultural crisis when the man runs out
world to live, ie what
definitely make your life that is for him the only thing definitive.
World is the architecture of the contour, which drive
surrounds us, the last program of what is possible and impossible in life
due and forbidden. "

José Ortega y Gasset

Our world, so our culture leads us often to live thinking or ignoring the future, a possible time but nonexistent. Excessive concern for the future but also saves us consume without limits what others say it will be scarce or expensive tomorrow. Also, the anxiety about the future can be very intimidating because it makes us think about problems or mishaps that inhibit the action unrealistic at present. Similarly, the anguish of the time it will force us to be better tomorrow if we have to go over all that existed yesterday or repudiate all that we enjoy today.

On the other hand, the contempt for the future and the past brings us to this lonely, senseless, aimless course. Located exclusively in the present, without evaluating or remember our traditions or without want something better for tomorrow, we built a life devoid of respect for what has surrounded us, an uncertain existence, with no aspirations and ultimately violent and destructive.

Something similar happens with the beliefs and attachments to the past. 2Inexpugnables "Walls of bronze cast past we only establishing dogmas, ideas become petrified faith, hatred and all thought onslaught of innovation and build on today or the future. Therefore, all end in the way we form relationships over time, can be harmful to our human condition.

In this way, I get to the point on which I wish to draw attention to the prologue this blog: the attitude controller of "work" just to live the present, the status of prisoners chained to the past or the obsession with the future, so it still has not arrived, has destabilizing consequences for the human condition: loss of memory and identity, lack of desire, fear and refusal to act and transform, in short, amounts to senseless dehumanization and death.

I do not wish to take a stand against human apocalyptic and times that accompany it, because there are already sufficient for that book and pastors "sacred" which I distance myself, I just want to emphasize and remember, along with Ortega y Gasset, that "while the tiger can not stop being a tiger, can not" destigrarse "man lives in constant danger of being dehumanized", hence the need to maintain, legitimize and humanize generate discourses that evoke our human nature . It should generate guiding words, which introduce us as a species with the privilege, the ability and commitment to preserve, build and avoid destruction. Speeches to propose and human builds a balanced position against time, to consider and respect the past to live hard and build this future.

Example of equilibrium in the human relationship with time are our ancestral indigenous cultures which have been kept alive and protected their motherland despite the impressive difficulties, for them the past is its most precious treasure to grow in the present and build their future. In contrast, often, we shut out the past, we lose the memory, to repeat endlessly errors that could have been avoided only to recall what went wrong or what was useful in certain circumstances.

For our balance in the relationship with the past, present and future balance is maintained constantly need to remember the Nazi Holocaust, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the massacres in the banana, Naya, Trujillo and El Nile "false positives" the situation of people who daily are banished from their territories, the harshness of life of hostages, prisoners, streams and wetlands that were diverted and dried, the fish were killed by the dynamite, lumber, etc. All this and more has to be kept in memory, because they are events and errors that call into question our humanity. They can not repeat mistakes.

But not enough to remember, it is imperative to act here and now. Understood to act as look, feel, interpret, being critical or take away, and especially to express, preserve all that valuable of our cultures and transform all that we destroyed and dehumanized. Only then a successful future is feasible, is likely.

said balance can be achieved in and through education in our homes, roads, educational institutions, social organizations and community action boards, councils and education within each of us by reading the world that we surroundings. Emancipatory education is needed to be responsible for keeping the memory, thinking and acting to create a future more and more human.

Fortunately, today there are many educational facilities available to us to seek the right balance. One of them is this blog, which we relive the past of District 5 of Popayan, compared with its present to infer and anticipate the various possibilities for the future that builds the community of this sector of the city.

New information technologies and communication, including the Internet, as well as prevent further cutting down trees to make paper, have democratized education, knowledge and aroused curiosity and passion for it. Today, we see more children, youth and adults in the Internet room in the quiet, dusty, restrained and very outdated libraries. A search or a guided tour of the infinite virtual shelf, surely we will get to places like this blog are only possible response and to go to find balance with our times.

Finally, finding a balance between our past, present and future
, called to ask: What we know about the past of our living environment? What we have preserved and transformed? "Our education is to promote the strengthening of our human condition? "Our educational institutions do we read and interpret the world around us? How? Where? Are we locked in four walls thinking our worlds meet yellowing papers? The answers are our work.