Friday, November 7, 2008

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The study of the environment is a hot topic, especially because it influences the daily lives of human life.
The environment is composed of a set of abiotic elements: solar energy, soil, water and air. Biotic: living organisms that make up the thin layer of earth called biosphere, and home support different living things and man.
The everyday environment is being destroyed by the irresponsible use of the resources we have at hand, environmental pollution caused by man, this creates a major problem that seriously affects the living conditions in our planet.


not provoke an imbalance in the planet and that this produces a series of events that cause the destruction of the planet and with that of all living beings.

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look at the video that we present, analyze it, reflect and act positively, we change our negative attitudes into positive ones to help us protect the planet from disaster that we are causing.

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  • 5 years for a piece of CHEWING GUM , by action of oxygen, becomes a superhard material then begins to crumble and disappear. Chewing gum is a mixture of natural resins rubbers, synthetic, sugar, flavorings and colorings. gradient, leaves almost no trace.
  • 6 Months the deterioration of a wooden match begins with the degradation of lignin by the action of fungi and insect attack are wood eaters.
    The process is slow and in a humid environment, a match is not destroyed until after six months.
  • 6 to 12 months the organic matter is usually processed efficiently by micro-organisms, insects and invertebrates. The heart of an apple is usually broken down in six months in a warm climate, you can stay up to one year in cold weather because the soil frost hinders the proliferation of microbial decomposers and reduces their ability degradadota.
  • 1 to 2 Years under the sun a COLILLA FILTER may take up to two years to disappear. The filter is cellulose acetate and soil bacteria, used to combat organic matter input can not attack. If on the water, decay is faster, but more polluting.
  • 3 to 4 months movie tickets, events and printed propaganda are more objects are thrown to the floor. In that final destination quickly find a way to go. Rain, sun and wind before they affect prey bacteria or fungi in the soil. If you are in a heavy rain dissolves cellulose and dyes.
  • 10 years is the time it takes to transform nature into a can of soda or MILK the state of iron oxide. Typically, the cans are 210 microns thick aluminum coated varnish and tin. The weather, a lot of rain and moisture to fully cover the rust.
  • 100 to 1000 years plastic bottles are the most rebellious at the time of transformation. Outdoor lose their tone, are fragmented and dispersed. Buried last longer. Most are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a hard material to degrade, the microorganisms have mechanisms to atacarlos.1000 añosLos polypropylene disposable cups pollute less than those of polystyrene. But also take in turn. The plastic is reduced to synthetic molecules, invisible but always present.
  • 300 Years
    most action figure made of plastic, of which take the longest to disintegrate. The sun's ultraviolet rays are only able to divide it into small molecules. That process can last hundreds of years, but disappear from the face of the Earth .
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    The plastic material is an almost indispensable in everyday life. We used to keep our homes warm, make lighter cars and computers, keep our food fresher and ensure the safety of medicines. Plastic is also used to build efficient and clean wind and solar.
    But this useful material also has its downside. Each object of this material lasts up to 500 years to disintegrate and so, meanwhile, lives with plastic people, animals and plants and their impact is already evident even in the depths of the oceans.
    plastic pollution is one of the most significant today. It is estimated to produce about 150 plastic bags per person each year.
    reaction to this problem is to establish a recycling culture , which leads us to organize an industry that generates jobs and revenue would be reinvested in feneficio of society that produces it.
    Alternatively, in addition to recycling plastic, plastic is to buy products which disintegrates " alone." This plastic is called oxobiodegradable , breaks up 495 years faster than traditional plastic and uncontaminated. This is possible with the inclusion of a special additive that causes them to break the chemical bonds of carbon that make up the plastic. All this plastic properties remain unchanged during its life and also can be made oxo-biodegradable bottles.

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    is the energy from wind , Ie, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents, and is transformed into other useful forms of human activities.
    Wind energy is an abundant, renewable, clean and helps reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from power plants to replace fossil fuel-based, which makes it a kind of green energy. However, the main drawback is its intermittency.

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    • is a type of renewable energy and has its origin in atmospheric processes due to the energy that reaches Earth from the Sun
    • is a clean energy because it produces no atmospheric emissions or polluting waste.
    • requires no combustion produces carbon dioxide (CO2), so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change.
    • can be installed in areas unsuitable for other purposes, such as in desert areas near the coast, arid slopes too steep to be cultivated.
    • can coexist with other land uses, such as grassland for livestock or crops using low as wheat, corn, potatoes, beets, etc..
    • Creates a high number jobs in assembly plants and installation areas.
    • Installation is quick, 6 months to a year.
    • Their inclusion in an inter-linked system allows, when wind conditions are appropriate, save fuel in power stations and / or water in the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants.
    • Their combined use with other types of energy, usually solar, biofeedback allows housing, ending the need to connect to grids, autonomy can be achieved over the 82 hours without power from any of the 2 systems.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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    In a constantly changing environment, organisms tend to maintain a certain consistency in their internal conditions, which vary according to external changes. To maintain a relatively constant internal environment, organisms have different structures and processes (higher when the organisms are more complex). These mechanisms are known generically as homeostatic processes (homeostasis) and are those which enable the organism to maintain internal conditions within a tolerable range.
    HOMEOSTASIS: homeo = similar and stasis = position stability.
    is the search for balance of systems and in particular of living beings. All living organisms are born with devices designed to automatically solve the basic problems of life.

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    know that our body is the most wonderful machine in the world and if something goes wrong she immediately recovers because it has the ability to perform the function of homeostasis, which regulates the internal environment to maintain a stable and constant. To learn more about the topic visit the following websites and develop the following:

    1 .- What we do for good health?
    2 .- Why we get sick?
    3 .- Make a table with the classification of diseases contracted by man, considering: name of disease, the causative agent, modes of transmission, incubation period symptoms.
    4 .- How does our body acquires immunity? 5 .- What
    non-infectious diseases are acquired by man? What impact these diseases cause in the family and society?.

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    • Construct a concept map Homeostasis: Health and disease.
    • diferemncias Annotate the concepts of health and disease. Make
    • 2
    • slogan that encourages classmates, friends, family, neighbors to eat contribute to the healthy development of good health.
    • analyzes the significance of environmental hygiene, personnel, prevention of disease.
    • Make a cryptic to the classification of environmental disease that affects humans and how to combat them.

    Monday, November 3, 2008

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    Arce Presents ...

    Its new line of vacuum packaging machines AXIS. AXIS line consists of vacuum-packing machines using the latest materials, finished with thermoplasticized, which has many advantages over stainless steel, thermal stability
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    • more resistant to wear and corrosion
    • Reduced Surface Lubrication
    • vibration
    • Dielectric properties with greater job security
    • Great variety of colors are also

    30% cheaper than the stainless steel machines thanks to its bold and innovative design Catalan includes a bell which allows a greater capacity for work and better handling of products.

    Teams can be purchased with vacuum pumps from 6 to 21 m3, depending on model, and all equipment are adapted to the regulation 89/392/EEC.

    Arce decided on its new line Axis and provides 5-year warranty on the purchase of each unit.

    For more information, visit our Web site: