Friday, November 7, 2008

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The study of the environment is a hot topic, especially because it influences the daily lives of human life.
The environment is composed of a set of abiotic elements: solar energy, soil, water and air. Biotic: living organisms that make up the thin layer of earth called biosphere, and home support different living things and man.
The everyday environment is being destroyed by the irresponsible use of the resources we have at hand, environmental pollution caused by man, this creates a major problem that seriously affects the living conditions in our planet.


not provoke an imbalance in the planet and that this produces a series of events that cause the destruction of the planet and with that of all living beings.

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look at the video that we present, analyze it, reflect and act positively, we change our negative attitudes into positive ones to help us protect the planet from disaster that we are causing.

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  • 5 years for a piece of CHEWING GUM , by action of oxygen, becomes a superhard material then begins to crumble and disappear. Chewing gum is a mixture of natural resins rubbers, synthetic, sugar, flavorings and colorings. gradient, leaves almost no trace.
  • 6 Months the deterioration of a wooden match begins with the degradation of lignin by the action of fungi and insect attack are wood eaters.
    The process is slow and in a humid environment, a match is not destroyed until after six months.
  • 6 to 12 months the organic matter is usually processed efficiently by micro-organisms, insects and invertebrates. The heart of an apple is usually broken down in six months in a warm climate, you can stay up to one year in cold weather because the soil frost hinders the proliferation of microbial decomposers and reduces their ability degradadota.
  • 1 to 2 Years under the sun a COLILLA FILTER may take up to two years to disappear. The filter is cellulose acetate and soil bacteria, used to combat organic matter input can not attack. If on the water, decay is faster, but more polluting.
  • 3 to 4 months movie tickets, events and printed propaganda are more objects are thrown to the floor. In that final destination quickly find a way to go. Rain, sun and wind before they affect prey bacteria or fungi in the soil. If you are in a heavy rain dissolves cellulose and dyes.
  • 10 years is the time it takes to transform nature into a can of soda or MILK the state of iron oxide. Typically, the cans are 210 microns thick aluminum coated varnish and tin. The weather, a lot of rain and moisture to fully cover the rust.
  • 100 to 1000 years plastic bottles are the most rebellious at the time of transformation. Outdoor lose their tone, are fragmented and dispersed. Buried last longer. Most are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a hard material to degrade, the microorganisms have mechanisms to atacarlos.1000 añosLos polypropylene disposable cups pollute less than those of polystyrene. But also take in turn. The plastic is reduced to synthetic molecules, invisible but always present.
  • 300 Years
    most action figure made of plastic, of which take the longest to disintegrate. The sun's ultraviolet rays are only able to divide it into small molecules. That process can last hundreds of years, but disappear from the face of the Earth .
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    The plastic material is an almost indispensable in everyday life. We used to keep our homes warm, make lighter cars and computers, keep our food fresher and ensure the safety of medicines. Plastic is also used to build efficient and clean wind and solar.
    But this useful material also has its downside. Each object of this material lasts up to 500 years to disintegrate and so, meanwhile, lives with plastic people, animals and plants and their impact is already evident even in the depths of the oceans.
    plastic pollution is one of the most significant today. It is estimated to produce about 150 plastic bags per person each year.
    reaction to this problem is to establish a recycling culture , which leads us to organize an industry that generates jobs and revenue would be reinvested in feneficio of society that produces it.
    Alternatively, in addition to recycling plastic, plastic is to buy products which disintegrates " alone." This plastic is called oxobiodegradable , breaks up 495 years faster than traditional plastic and uncontaminated. This is possible with the inclusion of a special additive that causes them to break the chemical bonds of carbon that make up the plastic. All this plastic properties remain unchanged during its life and also can be made oxo-biodegradable bottles.

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    is the energy from wind , Ie, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents, and is transformed into other useful forms of human activities.
    Wind energy is an abundant, renewable, clean and helps reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from power plants to replace fossil fuel-based, which makes it a kind of green energy. However, the main drawback is its intermittency.

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    • is a type of renewable energy and has its origin in atmospheric processes due to the energy that reaches Earth from the Sun
    • is a clean energy because it produces no atmospheric emissions or polluting waste.
    • requires no combustion produces carbon dioxide (CO2), so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change.
    • can be installed in areas unsuitable for other purposes, such as in desert areas near the coast, arid slopes too steep to be cultivated.
    • can coexist with other land uses, such as grassland for livestock or crops using low as wheat, corn, potatoes, beets, etc..
    • Creates a high number jobs in assembly plants and installation areas.
    • Installation is quick, 6 months to a year.
    • Their inclusion in an inter-linked system allows, when wind conditions are appropriate, save fuel in power stations and / or water in the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants.
    • Their combined use with other types of energy, usually solar, biofeedback allows housing, ending the need to connect to grids, autonomy can be achieved over the 82 hours without power from any of the 2 systems.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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    In a constantly changing environment, organisms tend to maintain a certain consistency in their internal conditions, which vary according to external changes. To maintain a relatively constant internal environment, organisms have different structures and processes (higher when the organisms are more complex). These mechanisms are known generically as homeostatic processes (homeostasis) and are those which enable the organism to maintain internal conditions within a tolerable range.
    HOMEOSTASIS: homeo = similar and stasis = position stability.
    is the search for balance of systems and in particular of living beings. All living organisms are born with devices designed to automatically solve the basic problems of life.

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    know that our body is the most wonderful machine in the world and if something goes wrong she immediately recovers because it has the ability to perform the function of homeostasis, which regulates the internal environment to maintain a stable and constant. To learn more about the topic visit the following websites and develop the following:

    1 .- What we do for good health?
    2 .- Why we get sick?
    3 .- Make a table with the classification of diseases contracted by man, considering: name of disease, the causative agent, modes of transmission, incubation period symptoms.
    4 .- How does our body acquires immunity? 5 .- What
    non-infectious diseases are acquired by man? What impact these diseases cause in the family and society?.

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    • Construct a concept map Homeostasis: Health and disease.
    • diferemncias Annotate the concepts of health and disease. Make
    • 2
    • slogan that encourages classmates, friends, family, neighbors to eat contribute to the healthy development of good health.
    • analyzes the significance of environmental hygiene, personnel, prevention of disease.
    • Make a cryptic to the classification of environmental disease that affects humans and how to combat them.

    Monday, November 3, 2008

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    Arce Presents ...

    Its new line of vacuum packaging machines AXIS. AXIS line consists of vacuum-packing machines using the latest materials, finished with thermoplasticized, which has many advantages over stainless steel, thermal stability
    • Mayor
    • more resistant to wear and corrosion
    • Reduced Surface Lubrication
    • vibration
    • Dielectric properties with greater job security
    • Great variety of colors are also

    30% cheaper than the stainless steel machines thanks to its bold and innovative design Catalan includes a bell which allows a greater capacity for work and better handling of products.

    Teams can be purchased with vacuum pumps from 6 to 21 m3, depending on model, and all equipment are adapted to the regulation 89/392/EEC.

    Arce decided on its new line Axis and provides 5-year warranty on the purchase of each unit.

    For more information, visit our Web site:

    Friday, October 31, 2008

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    We must act responsibly and that our health depends on the actions we perform to prevent disease. For this reason, it sumanente important to develop attitudes and habits that faborescan the successful development of the physical, psychic endividuo, the family and society.

    • therefore change our lifestyle, eating healthy foods that provide the body with nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vegetables, all fruits and vegetables provide the body minerals and vitamins to prevent some diseases.

    • Reduce production of waste, this is a serious problem because it pollutes our environment, there is proliferation of insects and rodents that are good transmitters of diseases.

    • We must work for the health of the planet as it is the only way to help reduce pollution environment and so we take care our health and her life.

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    WebQuest created by: Maria Susana Martos Córdova.
    With the support of the teachers:
    • Jesus Sosa Agurto: Trainer ICT Proniño program - Fundación Telefónica. Luisa Diaz

    • responsible for AIP Aguinaga EI "Cristo Rey", located in the district of José Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo - Lambayeque, Peru.

    • A Telefónica Foundation for allowing us to participate in this training.

    Thursday, September 11, 2008

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    Two museologies

    have fallen two stories relevant to the world of museology. Or at least that aroused the attention and reflection. On the one hand the Journal of New Spain of Asturias has brought the news that "Langreo commission approves the project Tragsa Samuño Ecomuseum ( -Langreo-commission-approves-Tragsa-project-Ecomuseum ). The other news is the appearance of the awaited project to build a spectacular museum that will honor the victims of 11-S in New York ( 1220981962_531824.html )

    We find two ways to museology. In the first case we speak of an eco-museum, an institution which, in essence, part of the community matrix to use its assets rather than for aesthetic contemplation but to strengthen its identity (and community), and social performance, cultural and off economically than they. In the second case we speak of a museum to contemplate which is part of the spectacle of the great urban museums and, now in its presentation, has been marked by the concepts of aesthetic spectacle. However, two museologies, two radically different ways of understanding a museum but the two with the same purpose: to preserve an intangible heritage. In the first case to preserve the identity of a local population. An identity that is symbolic because it is the people who feel one of a series of material artifacts or a particular landscape. Heritage has no value in itself, is the human being (which I use and live with him) who inflicted the net asset value. In the second case we speak of keeping feelings, emotions, sadness and melancholy.

    Apart from these qualifications is interesting the way they are going to perform the work to build these "containers" of memory.

    The permanent exhibition has been commissioned to Tragsa ( ), A publicly held company that employs no more than 2000 employees and over their projects eventually hire about 11,000 workers. Tragsa born in 1977 and has the objective is to design and construction of infrastructure and equipment required for modernization and improvement of agricultural production systems, technologies for better water management, forestry and conservation activities and improvement of natural environment services for the protection and enjoyment of natural areas and the marine environment. Navigating the website does not appear a strong history of museological infrastructure, but less so in ecomuseology. Bearing in mind that start ecomuseums a pedagogy of social awareness and practice of freedom in the style of Paulo Freire, and community social action by the person who will manage this heritage: the community. An eco-museum is a living thing, not a building is not an infrastructure. An eco-museum is an equation where Heritage, Community Planning and complement. Do not know the museum and museum project, but we know that they have not called ecomuseológico project.

    For the second case we have the debate between the content and the mainland. We live in society, the culture of simulation. New York will build a museum that is more spectacular, or so it seems, what will house: a spirit of support, solidarity and practical Yorkers who developed the day of the tragedy.
    We can not ignore that we are in the Anglo-Saxon culture and entertainment mecca of finance, but it can not cover up the true essence of what is to be preserved in the museum. The museum is a medium, the exposition half, the end is coming and make public relevant to what you're getting.
    project images for reflection.

    Monday, September 8, 2008

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    Ludo. You're Awful, I Love You Santogold

    power-pop band from St. Louis, Missouri signed with Island Records.Tomaron its name from a 1986 fantasy film called Labyrinth directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lucas, where he played David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly. Of all the creatures that appear in the film there is a giant who helps the protagonist named Ludo ... but better, check it out. / / / Andrew Volpe, Tim Ferrell, Marshall Fanciullo, Matt Palermo and Tim Convy were grouped and called The Dog And Everything, Anything But Joey and Upside, until 2004: Ludo. In 2005 they recorded an EP Broken Bride is a rock opera. Until 2007 that as Ludo signed with Island and the February 26, 2008 "You're Awful, I Love You" luz.Y saw his first single "Love Me Dead", has even been adapted for commercial U.S. series House. / / / The first time I heard I thought "oh no! Other" My Chemical Romance, because the tone of voice is very parecidoy ce especially in this song seems at first glance. But you hear better, "Love Me Dead "has the charm it had in its early MCR (because after it abused its label), the melancholy" I Miss You "by Blink 182 and a pinch of talent to Burton. / / / will have to listen the entire disk to see if there was a flash theatrical Andrew Volpe (lyricist)
    Video: "Love Me Dead"

    Sunday, September 7, 2008

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    The concept of heritage has evolved significantly during the twentieth century but mainly from the sixties and seventies. If we specify more we can target the meeting in Rio de Janeiro in 1957 and the round table of Santiago de Chile, 1972. The latter also coincided with the declaration of World Heritage in Paris.

    In essence, we have jumped from a centralized concept of heritage in the monument as a mark previously pursued by our past, to a holistic concept where the importance lies not so much on the historical value and / or aesthetic value of the property but in value and evocative documentary.

    According to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO belonging to the Cultural Heritage Intangible is the mainspring of our cultural diversity and its maintenance a guarantee for continuing creativity .

    For this same Convention this intangible heritage is evident in the following areas.

    · oral traditions and expressions

    · Performing Arts

    · Social practices, rituals and festive events

    · Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

    · traditional craftsmanship

    This uses these arts these oral traditions how you can manage, who decides which ones to keep and which to eradicate. Overall, the decision should be based on a democratic consensus in the room with the voices and votes of the individuals participating in these traditions, governmental powers and collective movements and associations. They, their dialogues are those who can make the most of an intangible heritage.

    And why? The fundamental question of expense (both financial and temporal) in the recovery of a heritage resource. Bernard Deloche stated that The man with no identity, alienated or amnesia, is a sort of "traveling without luggage, transparent and uprooted . We must not forget that our collective identity as it shapes our history. And how are our history documents. Heritage is one of the most valuable documents we have tangible, enduring in time for future generations. The documentary value, emotional and pragmatic material that heritage puts the immateriality of it. The evocative power it off. Hence, whenever any artifact of the past is worthy of attention. Intangible heritage will always be the soul of tangible heritage.

    Friday, September 5, 2008

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    Monday, September 1, 2008


    Intangible Heritage Revolver forward defenses

    periodof Today begins a new job. auqnue already started some weeks before and / or others, those that make us feel we really We retreat and disengagement.
    paraece In general terms, in addition to returning from an idyllic past, the news is not hlagüeñas. Growing economic crisis, growing unemployment, suffered one of the most dramatic tragedies for years, and so on. However, positivist view, we can come to saying: what begins well ends badly.
    New forms of politics are emerging around the world, closer to its target (see the case of Obama), new commitments, which do not fool with flowers of volatility, "it seems that blunt for these new times. We can add the innate ability that has the human effort crisis.Personalmente creative moments of this course work, personal and academic, is that of the ecomuseology, which will begin to join in this national and international scene, the lines where they have to go all these experiences ecomuseales (in sense of community museums, eco museums in the area, etc. ..) that reflect, indeed, a real sense of commitment to restore the cultural identity that we build ourselves over time and serves as a pillar of development

    Sunday, August 24, 2008

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    Back from vacation.
    This year I decided to take a walk along the coast of Cadiz. one of the best decisions when to leave the box kept in daily life.
    between rides along the beaches of Conil, Bologna or Caños found numerous military fortifications. Military architecture built in Franco era that now adorn the landscape of the tourists.
    As in all contemporary heritage we can ask two questions. one hand is who owns this property, since it is built in a political system gone. second, and almost more importantly, what to do with it should we keep? "Destroy? Is it a relevant document and study and reflection on the history of our society and its relationship with the international context? I think everything
    Heritage, the traces we leave in our wake, is likely to be studied and treated as necessary. Once the investigation is when you can ask what to do with these resources. Currently
    postwar these remains are being used as lifeguard, holds a particular home for the homeless, or strategic parts located in a sea of \u200b\u200bbeach sand.

    Sunday, August 10, 2008

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    In these summer days Amblés Valley, Avila land, has opened an institution for the panorama ecomuseístico ecomuseal English. We refer to Ecomuseum Muñogalindo. An eco-museum that is advised and financed by Vagem and the agenda of the European Union Interreg IIIB. Valley Amblés
    boost a rural interior unfamiliar to the neighboring provinces of Avila, but with a wealth of natural and cultural resources.
    This project will have an Interpretation Centre in the town of Muñogalindo where you can discover the valley region composed of 31 villages from the natural standpoint with 18 routes with which to drive. Also like discovering you can discover Ethnological folk and roots that have shaped the identity of the Valley and its people.
    Vagem, gives us the assurance that the philosophy and the New Museology ecomuseal tries to make a hole in ecomuseísticos projects that were inaugurated in our country. The project Vagem Ecomuseums Network was founded with the purpose of using the natural and cultural resources of a region as a source of social, cultural and economic environment for the inhabitants of these communities in a sustainable manner.

    Friday, August 1, 2008

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    A new eco-museum exploring the Summer Work Camp

    The museum is an institution that is torn between sound and silence.
    A silence overwhelms most rooms of museums. In ocsiones is hard to tell we are in a religious temple or place of salvguarda memory of a people, nation, community or humanity.
    If spirituality, but not funereal. Do not talk, do not use the phone, not sit, do not sneeze. Premises that are criticized for years and instilled the motto forbidden to forbid, do not always have little support in the temples of culture.

    solutions or proposals.
    awareness that museums are institutions for democratic education. That its territory has a collective memory. A memory for social and cultural development of its users. This summer
    a round of processions by museums of Spain. intellectual orgasms fill me for the wonders that may arise in some or die aberrations inthe other interpretive and museum.

    Thursday, July 31, 2008

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    Yesterday ended International Work Camp III on the English Civil War in the town of Rivas Vaciamadrid.

    This year we have been working on a World Heritage Site in situ, with the joys and dangers posed by the experience. The treatment of resource material from an archaeological perspective was fundamental to achieving rigorous recuperarción required. Although, there is still much hacer.

    las labores de recpueración y de Interpretación del Patrimonio están por desarrollarse. El siguiente paso. una correcta planificación de las acciones a seguir.

    Conclusiones: Un paso más en la Recuperación de un patrimonio semiolvidado y que, además, es parte de nuestra Identidad social y cultural.

    gracias a todos los participantes y a todos los que lo han hecho posible en la luz y en la sombra.

    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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    Santi White is an African American singer, songwriter and producer. They released their self-titled album this year. Her single "LES Artistes" reminds me greatly to, Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and his tone of voice. But hearing the full album at times reminds me of MIA to Nelly Furtado. electro-indie-alternative, or in any other way that you want to call this album is worth listening to more I think he passed the compliments with her and that despite the hard sound good, reminds me of many other artists, melodies and sounds I've heard before. Listen to him and tell me what you think ...

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Possibly Chancre Syphilis

    New ICOM

    Desde el lunes día 7 de julio estoy dentro del International Council of Museums (ICOM). Un nuevo ente español para luchar por los intereses de los usuarios de los museos y por el desarrollo de los mismos en la sociedad.
    ICOM hope can be secure and harder to get the New Museology all professionals and institutions.

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

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    ecomuseology in Spain

    network is already in the new reflections on the English ecomuseology. A picture shows that a priori uncertain but nuemerosas promises long-term possibilities.

    Thursday, May 1, 2008

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    VAMPIRE WEEKEND, originality York

    Release: January 29, 2008. Disco
    namesake, first in a young rock band in New York. With a strong presence of African percussion with dye as its main element. It would still be present the original voice of Ezra Koenig, bass (Chris Baio) and guitar (Ezra) accompanied with harmony and non-competitiveness. With electronic sounds on the keyboard (Rostam Batmanglij) Several of the songs have violins, as "M79" which recalls the baroque imagining members VW in a large room and using flashy white wigs. The album is a dynamic menu sounds, original, intense and polished cover the same boat but each item operates different personalities. With outstanding compositions and its four simple: "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa", "Mansard Roof", "A-Punk" and soon "Oxford Comma." Tmabién "Kids Do not Stand a Chance despite being a bit long variations of pace you move between the notes. Listening to this album is like visalizar a scenario where actors / instruments take turns going on stage, sometimes you delight two and other times it is an orchestra of sounds together in a very original interpretation. Vampire Weekend, a band that should not be overlooked.

    Saturday, February 16, 2008

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    working with Nina Persson Manic Street Preachers in the song, Your Love Alone Is Not Enough.

    Friday, February 8, 2008

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    music video directors PART I.

    start with my favorite director, Floria Sigismondi. Like its ideological content and symbolization through images incredibly designed. Colors, light, depth, focus and to blur it uses, with a camera to take people with anatomical changes, and other surreal elements. From my point of view, projects a future where perfection will change the human body in search of "perfection" but to show the desperation and emptiness that has and will humanity. He has worked with Marilyn Manson, The Cure, The White Stripes and even Christina Aguilera. While representing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe song.
    Floria Sigismondi
    photographer and director of some of the most amazing music videos ever. The daughter of opera singers. Born in Italy but raised in Canada. Arts where he studied photography was discovered that the most immediate and practical painting, his initial interest. He finished the race and did a masters in photography.

    began working for fashion but then began directing videos for Canadian bands like The Tea Party. says the ideas for the videos from their dreams in an interview with MTV News said "many of my images come from that time when you just fall asleep, and usually end up writing in the dark or at the time I get up. " "In the videos show scenes of neglect and worn over time, and objects such as surgical items, spider creatures, broken dolls and fetuses in tubs which she says puts them in "entropic underworld inhabited by tortured souls and omnipotent beings." ( ~ mushashillo/104033.floria-sigismondi.html ) "... one of the few women who has crushed the bones with provocative images, taken from a dark world filled with disgusting insects that feed on the entrails of mechanized humans. "( ) Videography: 1993 - " A Certain Slant of Light ", The Tea Party "Save Me" The Tea Party "The River" The Tea Party 1994 - "The Birdman" Our Lady Peace 1995 - "Blue" Harem Scarem 1996 - "Four Leaf Clover" Catherine "Beautiful People" Marilyn Manson

    "Anna is a Speed Freak" Pure "Tourniquet" Marilyn Manson

    "Little Wonder" David Bowie

    1997 - "Black Eye" Fluffy "Dead Man Walking" David Bowie "Makes Me Wanna Die" Tricky "(Can't You) Trip Like I Do" Filter & The Crystal Method 1998 - "Anything But Down" Sheryl Crow "Most High", Robert Plant & Jimmy Page "Can't Get Loose", Barry Adamson 1999 - "Get Up", Amel Larrieux 2000 - "I've Seen It All" (interactive version), Björk "4 Ton Mantis", Amon Tobin 2001 - "In My Secret Life", Leonard Cohen 2002 - "Black Amour", Barry Adamson "She Said (version 2)", Jon Spencer Blues Explosion "John, 2/14", Shivaree 2003 - "Untitled 1 (Vaka)", Sigur Rós

    "Obstacle 1", Interpol "Anything", Martina Topley Bird "Bombs Below (version 1)", Living Things "Fighter", Christina Aguilera 2004 - "Megalomaniac", Incubus "I Owe...", Living Things "Talk Shows on Mute", Incubus "The End of The World ", The Cure 2005 -" Blue Orchid ", The White Stripes " Bom Bom Bom "Living Things" O 'Sailor ", Fiona Apple 2006 - "Bombs Below (version 2)" Living Things "Supermassive Black Hole", Muse "Red Flag," Billy Talent "Hurt" Christina Aguilera "Broken Boy Soldier", The Raconteurs videología Source:

    Friday, February 1, 2008

    Ls Magazin Letitbit Blog

    J-Rock, exceeding many times the actual metal

    only check these rolas ... They also have a better picture, I do not know if it will have to do with the influence of visual-kei. The first video: DIR EN GREY - Oscure. (Not suitable for children or people who do not like the grotesque ...) GazettE - Filth in The Beauty Begins poppy, but intensifies. Is interesting changes of pace.

    Monday, January 28, 2008

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    gringo What made 2007?

    My favorite this past year ... The Bird and The Worm THE USED Host of a Ghost PORTER ARCTIC MONKEYS Fluorescent Adolescent THE HIVES Tick Tick Boom (Your new album is pure cream!)

    Thursday, January 24, 2008

    Making Sopressata At Home

    More news ... VAMPIRE WEEKEND

    Vampire Weekend are a band from New York that reminds me the first time The Vines, or The Pillows ... Check out this video of his, which I thought was simple and brilliant in this one simple. I loved it!