Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tatuagem De Miosótis


AGREEMENT No. 002, 2006


In exercise of its constitutional and legal powers, particularly under section 10, Article 69 of Decree Law 1421 of 1993, and in accordance with Article 13, 100 and 137 thereof.
That is a function of the Local Management Board MARTYRS to dictate the rules to ensure the proper performance of functions by the City of Martyrs.
The Political Constitution stipulates in chapter three, the collective and environmental rights in Articles 78, 79, 80 and 81.
That all persons are entitled to a healthy environment. It is the duty of the State to protect the diversity and integrity of the environment, conserve areas of special ecological importance and promote education in achieving these ends.
The State plan the management and use natural resources to ensure sustainable development, conservation, restoration or replacement. You must also prevent and control the factors of environmental deterioration, impose legal sanctions and seek redress for damage caused. Also cooperate with other nations in the protection of ecosystems in the border areas.
that the law will regulate popular actions for the protection of collective rights and interests related to the homeland, space, safety and public health, administrative ethics, the environment, free economic competition and other similar nature to be defined within it. Also regulate the actions arising out of damage caused to a large number of individuals, subject to appropriate individual action. Also define the cases of strict liability for damage caused to the rights and interests. That
Act 99 of 1993 provides in Article I as general environmental principles and guidelines Colombian Environmental Policy.
The policy of decentralization enshrined in Decree 1421 of 1993 demand greater capacity and autonomy in the analysis and decision-making on cultural management by the Capital District.
That in accordance with the Agreement, 19 1996 which regulates environmental management district and district Decree 61 of 2003 in Section 13.
That it is necessary to amend and reorganize the systematic structures of local environmental management, in order to strengthen participatory processes, planning and development of policies that tend to prevention and recovery of the Capital District Environmental System.
in terms of administrative rationality is indispensable to combine efforts, commitment and resources to optimize results.
That in exercise of participatory democracy itself of the rule of law in a sovereign manner, people will defend their Collective Rights and the Environment when they are threatened and / or violated as a result from civil society institutions and the local mayor, the Local Management Board and the Environmental Organizations MARTYRS, built in a joint environmental public policy for reduce the severe impact of environmental insults in our town.

That in light of the foregoing,

ARTICLE ONE: CREATION: Crease the Local Environmental Management System of the Martyrs (Addison), which will responsibility generate the set of diagnoses and institutional citizens, public policies, rules, activities, resources, programs, consistent with the institutions and organizations that regulate the environmental management of the City.

ARTICLE TWO: NATURE: Local Environmental Management System of the Martyrs, is structured on the basis of citizen participation and cooperation between social organizations, citizens, local authorities and the authorities environmental.

The Local Environmental Management System (Addison) is composed of:

  • Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

  • Local Environmental Management Bureau and Community Participation (MEGA)

  • Environmental Information Center Local (CIAL)

  • Local Environmental Center of the Martyrs (CALM)

  • Local Environmental School (ALS)

THREE. Objectives:
environmental management objectives. The general objective of environmental management system to regulate the operation of village-city region in order to produce a healthy, safe, supportive, stimulating, diverse, inclusive and participatory development of man individually and group.
pursues specific objectives relating to environmental quality, eco-efficiency and harmony.
Environmental Quality Objectives:
Air Quality : Improving the quality of air breathed by the inhabitants of the location, provided at least with national and international standards (World Health Organization-WHO-), aiming to create conditions conducive to health and welfare of citizens and ensuring fairness in the distribution of the costs of impacts and control of air pollution.
Water Quality to retrieve and maintain the physical, chemical and biological quality of water bodies, surface watercourses and groundwater reserves of the local territory, in accordance with the standards established in existing health and environmental standards, ensuring adequate conditions to protect public health, conservation of ecosystems and the maintenance of ecosystem services to different uses.
Soil quality to retrieve and maintain the quality and soil stability for the functioning of ecosystems, river regulation and safety of settlements.
sensory quality, conserve, restore and enhance the quality of the environment perceived through the senses in the public space for health and welfare of citizens and to foster their psychosocial development and identity generation , root and ownership on the urban-regional.
Biodiversity Conservation : Maintain, restore, enhance and sustainably use biodiversity in the region at local, district and regional level of species, biotic communities, ecosystems, landscapes and livelihoods, prioritizing collective appropriation of the benefits derived therefrom and their availability for future generations.
Control of natural hazards, technological and biological : Build and maintain environmental conditions for life safety and property of citizens, in particular social groups or physiologically more vulnerable on threats generated by ecological processes, technological or biological.
eco-efficiency targets:
Efficient use of space : Plan and direct the occupation, exploitation, processing and reuse of land as a basic resource and limited manner consistent with environmental supply and capacity reception of each area, building a balanced and harmonious territorial mosaic of natural and constructed, public and private functions.
Efficient use of time : To ensure the rational use of human time as a basic resource and limited basis to rationalize the location of use, mobility and transport, seeking an allocation of staff time, favorable to human development and the construction of the social fabric of local communities level.
Efficient Water : Ensure the provision of water for different uses in the short and long term, according to projections of population and economic growth, basing the bid on the conservation of ecosystems and the cycle regulators regional hydrological and guide the rational demand of the resource consumption and sustainability of regional economic development.
Efficient energy : Rationalize power consumption per capita, by activity and by sector and increase its composition by energy sources cleaner and safer for long term.
Efficient use of materials : rationalize the consumption of materials in the operation and physical growth of the city-region, according to the rate of regeneration, national and regional supply of them and the social effects and environmental impacts of their extraction, processing, use and disposal, ensuring the most technically and economically feasible to recycle flows within the system urban-regional. Incorporation
efficient ecosystems : Ensure that the incorporation of new areas of urban land uses within-regional optimize the use of land supply in terms of the diversity of lifestyles, landscapes and ecosystems and prudent management of the limitations of each area, generating insurance settlements and environmental quality.

harmonious social and environmental objectives:
Enrichment - cultural : To promote the enrichment of regional culture, district and local conceptos, valores y prácticas relacionados con el patrimonio natural y el funcionamiento y gestión del ambiente, como base del disfrute del mismo, su apropiación colectiva y la conservación de su valor y función en la cultura misma.
Habitabilidad e inclusividad : Incrementar el efecto positivo de la oferta, el saneamiento y el ordenamiento del ambiente sobre la seguridad, salud, bienestar y productividad de las personas y la colectividad, equilibrando la distribución espacial y social de los beneficios ambientales, de forma tal que se incluya en sus ventajas y mejoras al conjunto de la población, del modo más amplio y equitativo, cuidando especialmente el acceso a los themselves vulnerable by its social, economic, cultural or physiological.
Productivity and competitiveness : Guide the development and transformation of urban and natural resources to optimize their contribution to economic growth, employment generation, meeting the basic needs of the population and growth competitiveness of the city and the region in the global context, based on comparative advantages of its offer competitive environment and management.

Article IV: Functions Local Bureau of Environmental and Community Involvement:

1. Prepare, receive and collect local assessments in environmental ; ; ; ambiente.2. Designing environmental policies LOS MARTIRES.3. Develop your own reglamento.4. Agree with the DAMA programming of activities that take place in the localidad.5. Develop and conduct oversight of implementation of public expenditure on environmental matters in the town, in close coordination with the supervisory bodies of the Capital District and Ciudadanas.6 Veedurías. Coordinate and advise objectives, strategies, programs, plans and environmental projects in accordance with local development plans, district and nacional.7. Encourage educational programs to generate environmental awareness and knowledge on the part of the community, institutions and employers of their rights, duties and obligations ambiental.8 conflict. Participate in developing rules ambiental.9. Coordinate all the activities planned in the short, medium and long term relationships with entrepreneurs and institutions in environmental ambiente.10. Promote citizen participation on environment.11. Manage local resources, district, national and international efforts to invest in the issue ambiental.12. Support the annual celebration of our right to breathe clean air day in the martyrs, which is held the first week of octubre.14. Participate in the development of programs to develop in the town environment.
15. Arrange and develop annually by the Environmental Management Plan of the Martyrs.
16.Promover week holding
ARTICLE FIVE: OFFICERS LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION. Crease the Local Environmental Management Bureau and Community Involvement, which is the heart of local environmental public participation in the Local Environmental Management System of the Martyrs (SIGAL)

ARTICLE SIX. Structure of the Environmental Management Bureau and Local Participation Community

Institutional Sector
  • Local Mayor

  • The Board of Public Space Committee and the Environment of the JAL

  • A representative of the Environmental Center Local

  • A representative of the Environmental Management Branch of the DAMA and community participation

  • A representative of the Local Personality

  • A local representative of the Secretary of Health

  • Delegate of the UESP

  • Representative EAD (TOILET CAPITAL)

  • CADEL Deputy
  • (PRAES)

  • IDRD Deputy

  • CLC Delegate

  • Delegate Botanic Garden

  • Representative of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the UT and / or institutions, universities specializing in the subject.

  • IDCT Deputy

  • A police officer

Economic Sector

  • Representatives of associations of traders UPZ

  • Representatives of industry associations by UPZ

  • Representatives of the City Hospital Center

Sector Environmental organizations
  • environmental NGO representatives and activists
Community Sector
  • Delegates of the Environment JAC

Paragraph 1: The board may convene delegates from public and private entities when the song requires.
Paragraph 2: There will be permanent guests without voting environmental organizations, local children and youth.

ARTICLE SEVEN: LIABILITY. The responsibility of the Local Environmental Management System will be in charge of the Bureau of Environmental Management and Participation Community.

PARAGRAPH 1: In the Local Environmental Management System there will be respect and tolerance for the views of individual members to integrate, in any case respect the autonomy of social organizations against the institutions.

ARTICLE EIGHT: MAKING QUORUM. MEGA decisions within the Local Environmental System shall be taken by majority.

ARTICLE NINE: MEETINGS: The MEGA will meet regularly every mes en las instalaciones de la Alcaldía Local de Los Mártires  y extraordinariamente cuando las circunstancias lo ameriten.

ARTICULO DECIMO : APOYO. La MEGA presentará anualmente el proyecto de necesidades, ante el Fondo de Desarrollo Local para su viabilidad. El Alcalde local aprobará de acuerdo a la disponibilidad presupuestal.

ARTÍCULO UNDÉCIMO : VIGENCIA Y DEROGATORIA EXPRESA. El presente acuerdo rige a partir de la fecha de su publicación y deroga las disposiciones que le sean contrarias.



Why Cant I Get Neutragena Soap In The Shops

GOVERNING BOARD Martyrs citizens

Martirinenses citizens

Sunday, April 23, 2006